Legal Notice and Disclaimer is provided as a public service by the Colorado International Center Metropolitan District No 3 (District). This site is intended to be used by the public for viewing and retrieving information only. In providing information on this site, we have attempted to be as accurate as possible.

However, the District makes no claims, guarantees or promises about the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained from the use of the information. Every possible effort is made to keep the content of this site accurate and current, but that may not always be the case. Distribution of the information does not constitute any warranty. The user assumes the risk of verifying any materials used or relied on.

Personal Information

“Personal Information” is information about a natural person that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. Personal information includes such things as an individual’s name, address, phone number, or email address.

We collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily participate in an activity that asks for information. If you choose not to participate in these activities, your choice will not affect your ability to use any other features of our web site.

If personal information is requested on the web site or volunteered by the user, state and federal law may protect it. However, this information is a public record once you provide it, and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law.

Furthermore, the information contained in many kinds of documents filed with the District is electronically stored and may be made accessible to the public through the District's web site. Except where disclosure is protected by law, the information that is electronically stored may be purchased by private individuals and entities.

Users are cautioned that the collection of personal information requested from or volunteered by children on-line or by email will be treated the same as information given by an adult, and may be subject to public access.

Information Collected

If during your visit to our site you send an email to us, the following information will be collected:
  • The email address you used in sending the email.
  • The contents of the email.

We use your email to respond appropriately. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to further improve our web site, or to forward the email to another agent, contractor or board member for appropriate action.


To better serve our users we may use “cookies” to customize your browsing experience with us. Cookies are simple text files stored on your computer by your web browser. They provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to our web site.

Cookies created on your computer by using this web site do not contain personally identifying information and do not compromise your privacy or security. We use the cookie feature only to store a randomly generated identifying tag on your computer. You can refuse the cookie or delete the cookie file from your computer by using any of the widely available methods. Our services are provided in such a way that the use of cookies is not mandatory.

Linking Policy

The District provides links to many Web sites that are not controlled, maintained, or regulated by the District or any organization affiliated with the District, and as such the District is not responsible for the content of those Web sites. Use of information obtained from those Web sites is voluntary, and reliance on that information should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy. References at those Web sites to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the District.

Links on

This Web portal may contain hypertext links to external Web sites and pages containing information created and maintained by public and private organizations other than the District. These hypertext links may be created by the District if it determines that establishing the external link will be consistent with assisting or furthering the purpose of this Web portal, which is to significantly and diligently promote District resident access to information about the District and other entities serving the Groves at High Point neighborhood.

In addition, hypertext links may be created by for informational purposes where the linked external Web site will provide useful and valuable information to visitors of this Web portal, or where the linked external Web site is required or authorized by law.

The District, in its sole discretion, will determine whether the external Web site meets the purpose of this Web portal or for the specified informational purposes. The inclusion of a hypertext link to an external Web site is not intended as an endorsement of any product or service offered or referenced on the linked Web site, the organizations sponsoring said Web site, or any views that might be expressed or referenced in the Web site.

Hypertext links to external Web sites and pages may be removed or replaced at the sole discretion of the District, at any time without notice. In the event you discover problems with or have concerns regarding the format, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of a linked external Web site, please contact the organization responsible for the linked external Web site. The District does not control and is not responsible for any linked external Web sites, pages, or content.

Linking to

We encourage you to link to Unfortunately, we cannot always create reciprocal links back to your site, which may not meet our criteria for posting links. If you would like to request a link be added to, please contact us.